kusir delman.io

Become a kusir and let’s do great things together!

Meet Our People

Our Co-Founders

Left to right : Theo Budiyanto, Surya Halim, Raymond Christopher

Co-Founders delman.io
data driven company employee

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Let’s make an impact starting from day one!

Why Become A Kusir?

Our Core Values

accountability as a big data company core value in a data-driven culture


We take the initiative and are proactive in owning our responsibilities.

integrity as a big data company core value in a data-driven culture


We do the right things. We are honest and ethical, worthy of the trust of others.

work-life balance as a big data company core value in a data-driven culture


We believe in the importance of meaningful daily achievement and enjoyment in each of our life quadrants: work, family, friends, and self.

growth mindset as a big data company core value in a data-driven culture

Growth Thinking

We constantly look for ways to improve ourselves and our company by promoting continuous growth, learning, and diversity of experience.

data driven company culture in a big data driven economy

Unfold Various Opportunities With Us!

Let's grow and be part of the change with the best talents from multiple backgrounds at delman.io

customer success specialist ready to help anytime

Always On Our Mark To Help You

For more information, don't hesitate to contact us

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Question about our product, pricing, implementation, or anything else — let's chat. We are ready to help.

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